Friday, 8 February 2013

Yuma to Phoenix - Jan. 12 to Jan 22

Jan 13 -19
We settled in for a week in Yuma so Emma could visit her Mexican dentist in Algodones. The weather was cold for Yuma but the campground hot tub was good compensation. I suppose cold is relative; cold for Yuma would be sunny and hot for Vancouver in January. On our walks around the park we saw:

                                                                  Northern Mockingbird

                                                                     78) Anna's Hummingbird

We did a side trip to the Imperial wildlife Refuge on the Colorado River. This once wild river is just a  trickling puddle as it enters Mexico. I don't think the US gives Mexico enough water in the Colorado River for it to make the final 50 miles to the Gulf of California.

The Imperial Wildlife Refuge is above the Imperial Dam so water is not a problem there. However, all the Colorado River Dams means that the river never overflows its banks. This lack of periodic flooding means that all the trees along the banks of the lower Colorado River have died.

                                                       Colorado River - North of Imperial Dam

 We drove up a gravel side road of the reserve and did a short hike up the Painted Desert Trail.

                                                                    Painted Desert Trail

 The photographers need their hands free so Sona gets to be in most of the photos.

After a week of dental surgery for Emma and a week of Mexican shopping for me, we headed to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. Emma is such a trooper soldiering through the pain of the experience.
80) Eurasian-collared Dove

January 20 - Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

We awoke in the dark to catch the morning sun rising over the Ajo Mountains. Following are dawn to dusk photos of the Sonoran desert in Organ Pipe Cactus National Park.

                                                                   Organ Pipe Cactus

                                                                    Saguaro Cactus

                                                                  Gila Woodpecker

The Gila Woodpeckers make their nest holes in saguaro cacti. Many large Saguaro have many woodpecker holes but the cacti continue to thrive. 

                                                              Organ Pipe Cactus

                                                                      Chain Fruit Cholla

                                                             81) Curve-billed Thrasher

                                                               82)  Black-tailed Gnatcatcher


The Ocotillo look dead as it loses all its leaves in dry weather which is most of the time in the desert. However, one good rain and new leaves and flowers appear.



                                                                          Black Phoebe


 January 21
We woke up in Organ Pipe Cactus as the sun rose. Two wild dogs and a 7] Bobcat were tangling in the nearby desert wash. Sigh, it happened too fast for photos. A 83) Northern Cardinal was more obliging.

                                                                  Northern Cardinal

We drove to Tuscon and stopped at the Kitt Peak Observatory on the way. It was a long haul up the mountain to get there but the road was good.

                                                               Kitt Peak Observatory

The panorama from the top of Kitt Peak was spectacular.


 Whiskered Screech Owls are known to roost near the day-sleeper dormatories beside the observatory. Unfortunately all we saw were 84) Mexican Jays and 85) Common Ravens. Sona decided that since Ravens are bigger than squirrels, they must be chased.

 January 23
First thing in the morning , there was lots of bird activity in the Tuscon Campground. Many 86) Lesser Goldfinches were attracted to the feeders around the RV Park.

                                                                       Lesser Goldfinch


    House Finches - Male and Female

We drove through Saguaro National Park on our way to visit Emma's cousins,  Evelyn and Faye, in Gold River.


                                                                       Saguaro Cacti

                                                                  Prickly Pear Cactus

                                                                       Barrel Cactus

                                                       Faye, Emma and Evelyn



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